The Circuit Clerk is responsible for maintaining complete and accurate records of the court, collecting, accounting for, and disbursing all monies paid into the court; and performing other duties, as necessary to assist the court in performing its duties.
Some of the duties of a court clerk are:
- Receive, process, and maintain the judgments, rules, orders, and all other proceedings of the court.
- Issue process: summons, subpoenas, executions, garnishments, sequestrations, judgments, orders, and commitments.
- Collect and disburse all fines and costs.
- Collect and disburse other monies paid into court as ordered by the court.
- Select and summon jurors.
- Preserve the court seal and other property of the office.
- Provide uniform case reporting.
- Assist with genealogical searches including: criminal records (excluding traffic and misdemeanors), civil ( excluding orders of protection, small claims, landlord-tenant issues, and judgments less than $25,000), dissolution’s, name changes, juvenile, adoptions, financial, paternity, child support, and immigration records.
- Process Passport Applications. Passport fee – Adults ages 16 and over $130.00; Children under age 16 $100.00.
Additional fees apply for expedited service.
Cindi Bowman
Circuit Court Clerk
Physical Address
100 N Main Street
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Civil Division:
Located on the 3rd Floor
Phone: 573-686-8082
Fax: 573-686-8094
Criminal Division:
Located on the 3rd Floor
Phone: 573-686-8087
Fax: 573-686-8093
Probate Division:
Located on the 1st Floor
Phone: 573-686-8073
Fax: 573-686-0056
Remote Public Access begins July 1, 2023. Missouri Case.net will allow people to view public court documents from their personal computers, tablets, or cell phones. This works only for documents filed on or after July 1, 2023. To comply with this new change, all filings with confidential information must be redacted upon submission to the Courts.
Court FAQ’s
How do I know what I owe in court costs?
You should receive a bill in court or in the mail from the Butler County Circuit Clerk. If you do not receive a copy, contact our office at 573-686-8087.
Where do I pay my costs and restitution?
Criminal, civil, juvenile and traffic costs, as well as standard costs such as board bill, fines, etc. should be paid to:
Butler County Circuit Clerk
100 N Main Street
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Restitution payments may be paid to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. If you are unsure as to whether or not restitution is owed, please call the Butler County Prosecuting Attorney’s office prior to making your payment at 573-686-8060. To ensure proper credit, be sure to include your case number.
Court cost payments may be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week through PayByWeb.
When are my costs due?
– Civil and domestic fees are due at filing or upon order of the Court.
– Felony court costs are due upon orders from the Judge.
– Misdemeanor Traffic/Infraction court costs require a payment $50 per month until paid in full.
Court costs include but are not limited to fines, statutorily assessed costs, costs assessed by local court rule, Crime Victim’s Compensation Fund, County Law Enforcement Restitution Fund and board bill as well as a one-time, Time Payment Fee charge of $25. (Time Payment Fee is removed if costs are paid in full within 30 days of billing, regardless of the due date).
What happens if I do not pay my court costs on time?
Any delinquent balance after the due date will be submitted to the Missouri Department of Revenue for tax offset and CSI, a private collection agency. Costs submitted to CSI are subject to an additional 20% of the total amount due for collection fees.
You may be required to appear in court to show cause why your court costs have not been paid. Failure to appear will result in the issue of a warrant for your arrest. Failure to pay may constitute a violation of your probation.
What is the fee and process for filing a Dissolution of Marriage?
The fee for filing a Dissolution of Marriage is $102.00. This does not include service fees. The fee for service must be obtained by calling the Sheriff’s Office of the county in which service needs to be made.
The handbook, In Your Child’s Best Interest, provides a brief summary of definitions and explanations of terms. Although the handbook lists “…the Circuit Clerk’s Office in your local courthouse…” as a resource for assistance, we are prohibited by law from assisting in certain areas previously described.
How can I find out if I have a court date?
You should contact your attorney or go to Case.net online at www.courts.mo.gov/case.net.
How do I know what I owe in criminal restitution?
Please contact the Butler County Prosecuting Attorney’s office at 573-686-8060.
Where can I go to obtain a criminal background check on an individual?
Contact the Missouri State Highway Patrol 573-526-6153.
Can I file for a divorce without an attorney?
Yes, but there are important things you must know. The Clerk’s office staff cannot give legal advice. This means, we cannot answer questions in regards to the paperwork you are preparing or missing. Further, per Rule 68.5 PARTIES NOT REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL – LITIGANT AWARENESS PROGRAM: Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 88.90, every party not represented by counsel who participates in a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, legal separation, parentage or the modification of a judgment in any such proceeding shall use the pleading forms found at www.selfrepresent.mo.gov, and shall complete the litigant awareness program designed by the Supreme Court also found at the above listed website. The litigant shall complete this program and shall certify to the Court, in writing, that he/she has completed this program.
If you are unsure of the requirement to proceed, we strongly urge you to seek the advice of an attorney. You may consider contacting the Missouri Bar Association for an attorney referral at 573-636-3635 or visit their web site at www.mobar.org.
Frequent terms used to become familiar with:
Answer – A written response to a petition.
Dissolution (Divorce) – The process by which a marriage is ended.
Entry of Appearance – A Notice files with a court stating that an individual or his/her attorney will appear at a court proceeding.
Judgment of Dissolution – A court order containing the terms under which a marriage is ended.
Personal Service – Delivery of a summons by a sheriff or private process server to the person against whom a petition or motion has been filed.
Petition – A written request to a court for action on a certain matter.
Petitioner – The person who files a petition with the Court.
Pro Se – A person who represents him/herself in a court proceeding without the help of a lawyer.
Respondent – The person who files an answer to a petition.
Summons – Notifies the person against who a petition or motion has been filed of the date to appear in Court to file an answer.
How do I obtain a copy of my divorce decree and what is the cost?
Copies of a divorce decree may be obtained by submitting a request to the Circuit Clerk either by mail or in person.
Please complete the following in its entirety:
Name of the parties at the time of the divorce
Approximate month and year of divorce
Self-addressed stamped envelope
COST: $2.50 for judgment without attachment
$5.00 for judgment with attachment
Examples of an attachment: Parenting Plan or Separation Agreement, etc.
Send your request to:
Cindi Bowman
Butler County Circuit Clerk
100 N. Main St.
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
I am not receiving my court ordered visitation. What can I do?
You may file a Motion for Family Access.
Submit the following:
Prepared Motion for Family Access – can be submitted in person or by mail. Signature must be notarized.
$102.00 filing fee
Service fee – Motion must be served on the person violating order.(Contact the appropriate county’s sheriff for the amount due)
Additional forms may be required. Please contact the Clerk’s office at 573-686-8082 for more specific information.
Jury FAQ’s
I am not a registered voter yet I received a jury summons, how did this happen?
Both voter registration and driver license applicants are included in the jury master list.
How long do I have to serve on the Jury?
Jury duty is for a period of 3 months. Jury terms begin on the first Monday of March, June, September and December.
I have been selected for jury duty but I no longer live in Butler County. What do I do?
Please put your new address on the form and return it to our office. We will update your address information in our system.
I am in bad health and do not feel I could serve on jury duty. Can you take me off the list?
Although we understand that not everyone is capable of serving on a jury, only the Circuit Judge is authorized to remove a juror from the randomly selected jury list. Please complete your questionnaire and return it to our office. We will submit your responses to the Circuit Judge for his consideration. You will be notified by mail, if you are excused from jury duty. In some instances, you may be asked to provide a written statement from your doctor.
I received a questionnaire for a family member that is deceased. What do I do?
We do apologize for this circumstance. To assist with proper handling of the situation, please indicate on the questionnaire that individual’s date of death and return it to our office and we will promptly update our system.
Helpful Court Links
Travel and Living Abroad
Travelling abroad or taking a cruise? Make sure your passport is up to date before you plan your trip.

Court Filing Fees & Forms

Additional Information
Sections 484.010 and 484.020 RSMo define the practice of law and prohibit anyone who is not a licensed attorney from practicing law. In addition, Section 476.290 RSMo specifically prohibits court clerks from practicing law. Clerks may not give any legal advice or instructions unless provided by law.